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Lichfield Producers’ Market cancelled

Lichfield Producers’ Market cancelled

It is with deep regret tomorrow's Lichfield Producers' Market has been cancelled due to team members testing positive for COVID-19. 

Two members of the setup team have tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday morning. Both members are from the same household and have not been in contact with the rest of our team within the last few days. 

All other team members are being asked to take regular Lateral Flow Tests, and all currently remain negative. 

While this will be disappointing for all traders and visitors, we must follow the Government Guidelines, and the two team members are self-isolating. 

We have done our best to put in place a plan to prevent us from canceling this market over the past 24 hours, but we have not been able to find the resources to cover these two team members. 

We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

Lichfield City Council are aware of the decision.